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Dakar Rally
Red Bull

Bent Bike
Crashed Hard October 13, 2002

  Crashed hard after hitting a bush and cart wheeled over the bars through the air. On the District 37 So. Cal  Nat'l Hare & Hound on October 13th. Racing speed @ 75 miles an hour when I hit a bush and ended up doing cart wheels in the air with bike. The rear wheel hit my right side causing tire marks on my waist area, and ripping my jersey and riding pants down the right side. The bike landed @ 30 ft. from me. My bike was bent up pretty good worst then in these pictures the tail pipe was bent underneath fender facing other direction.  I straighten it enough to get back to pits.
With my body bruised on one side and shoulder hurt, along with my bike damaged,  I was still able to get it all together by the end of the week to race the Ghost Rider Enduro (#4B) with my dad and brother.

Bent Bike in So-Cal Nat'l Hare & Hound Race
Bent Bike in So-Cal Nat'l Hare & Hound Race
Bent Bike in So-Cal Nat'l Hare & Hound Race

But my new Fasst Co.
Flexx Bars are the only thing straight after this crash!

Flexx Bars only thing not bent in So-Cal Nat'l Hare & Hound Race
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Christopher Blais
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